Caring for you during your Visit

Our researchers are committed to your health and safety. When you come for a visit, extra precautions are taken to reduce any risk of COVID-19 infection.

What We Will Do

All of our lab staff are fully vaccinated and complete a daily health screener for COVID-19. We will wear masks throughout your visit.

We sanitize testing rooms and testing equipment before and after each visit and clean public areas frequently.

We will take you to our own private waiting area, away from the general public. 

When possible, we will maintain a distance of 6 ft.

We will structure visits in a manner that will reduce the amount of time you are in our lab. 

What we will ask you to do

Prior to coming for your visit, we ask that you notify our research team if you or your child are experiencing any symptoms of  COVID-19, and we will postpone the visit to when you are feeling better. 

We ask that you wear a well-fitting mask during your visit. Lab staff will have extra disposable masks on hand if you need them.

We will follow up with you after your visit to make sure everyone who was at the visit is still feeling healthy. 

If you have any questions or concerns about your visit,  please reach out to us at or 212.998.7917. We want you to feel comfortable and have fun participating in science with us!